Aug. 2020
UX|UI designer
ChefHero is an online mobile and web application that allows restaurant businesses to order wholesale restaurant supplies from a network of dedicated regional suppliers.

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The dispute flow feature was created to reduce calls to the customer support team, optimize the user experience and feedback loop. 20% of the buyers engage with the dispute feature and from those that engage, only 15% complete the flow.

The Challenge

How might we enhance the dispute feature to simplify the process of completing the flow and encourage more buyers to use the feature?

Here is what we found after the interviews

Insight #1

After conduction user interviews, the delivery confirmation and order check was discovered that restaurant industry workers use specific jargon in their daily workflow.
The Problem
When an order has been delivered, they "receive" the order which means conducting a quality control check of the delivered items. This procedure happens within 24 hours from the delivery time.
The Solution
The button was renamed to "receive the order" instead of “review order”

Insight #2

We noticed an unexpected user behavior while confirming delivery.
The Problem
The button "review this order" led to a screen that confirms delivery. Most users admitted that they were not expecting to confirm an order by clicking on "review this order".
The Solution
We renamed the bottom " review this order" to "confirm delivery" to eliminate confusions and after confirming the delivery the flow allows to receive the order. First confirm delivery than review order.

Insight #3

Feedback loop
Most user would skip or fail to complete the feedback section. How to simplify the feedback loop and encourage more users to leave a feedback?
The Problem
Most users admitted that it is distracting to answer an open question about delivery while their goal is to report an issue and return an item back to the seller.
The Solution
We provided an open ended question about feedback with possible keyword answers to allow smoother experience of leaving feedback with one click.
Most user would skip or fail to complete the feedback section. How to simplify the feedback loop and encourage more users to leave a feedback?

Insight #4

Report an issue
Users could not select more than one issue or report an issue to multiple products at once. Why most users fail to complete the dispute flow?
The Problem
We created a more versatile flow by searching for more reasons why the produce could be returned back to the seller. We found out about many other reason that were not listed as an issue to report.
The Solution
We have added a drop down for each product to create an optimized user experience so the user could report more than one issue at once for multiple products with one screen. (647) 896-7997 (647) 896-7997

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