Sept. 2021
UX|UI designer
VAT Calculator quickly adds or subtracts VAT from any amount. A multi-step calculation becomes a couple of clicks. You don’t need to know the formulas for adding or extracting VAT anymore. And you can forget the percentages element too – the calculator does it all for you.

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FreshBooks is adding a range of online tools to improve the website’s SEO across its many different markets. The goal of the SEO project is to drive new, organic traffic of qualified visitors to the website and convert them into consumers of FreshBook’s software products.

The Goals

User Goals
The FreshBooks team detected a challenge among the users to calculate the VAT tax manually.
Business Goals
By creating the VAT calculator tool on the FreshBooks website the aim was to optimize SEO and increase KPI performance.

The Formula

X / (rate + 1) = subtotal & X - subtotal = tax

Market examples:

Ireland — Standard VAT rate = 23%Formula 100:1.23= 81.30 - 23%- 18.7
South Africa — Standard VAT rate = 15%100: 1.15= 86.95 - 15% - 13.05
United Kingdom — Standard VAT rate = 20%100: 1.20= 83.33 - 20% - 16.66

The User

A recent amendment in the UK has required that all businesses earning over £85,000 had to be MTD (making tax digital) compliant. This requires that they keep financial records digitally and must use MTD-compliant software for their businesses. Small business owners—although not limited only to small business owners—that are now having to transition to this new mode of tracking their finances are the market FreshBooks is hoping to attract to the website through the VAT calculator.
A typical user can be a part-time or full-time business owner with no more than 20 employees working below them. These individuals wear many hats in their companies, often over-burdened with paperwork. Their goals are to grow their business—this is specifically true for full-timers—and continue to follow their passion with less headache of managing their finances and taxes. These small businesses tend to fall under the following industries: creative/marketing, contractors & construction, professional services, business Services, and Trades. (647) 896-7997 (647) 896-7997

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